The jump house was a big hit this year as kids lined up to take their turns, throwing off shoes
and passing off prize bags to be airborn for just a moment.
Even the baseball pitch game was lined up across the lawn. The weather which threatened to be a problem all day, held off and the real rain and thunder managed to skirt around the library with a few gusts of wind being the only real nuisance.
The Amherst Fire Department attended the fair this year and lots of kids sported red fire hats, also good for rain hats, and enjoyed climbing on the fire truck and 

I hope everybody comes back next year. We don't need to "Get a Clue" as to why more than 900 kids and 250 teens took part in library programs this summer. There's no secret as to why almost 1000 kids took part in free craft activities during Wednesday craft days. The long line back to the parking lot of eager kids waiting to sign into the fair tonight is reason enough to know that this year's program was a success. Thank heaven for parents willing to drive kids to the library, to have patience
to wait for magicians who've gotten lost, and Metro Park rangers who go to the wrong location, and who help mark off time on paper reading logs. Thank heaven for parents who ride with their kids in cars and on bikes, searching the downtown buildings for scavenger hunt clues.

As the sun sets on another year of summer reading fun I think
about what I've told the kids for years, the Amherst Public Library really does have the best summer reading program around. It really doesn't have anything to do with our building, or what our prizes or craft will be that week, or how much money we have left in the budget. It's the kids and families who walk through the door each day...they make us number one. Thanks for a great summer.

See you at the library.