Check out the dog in the fire truck. He had a great seat but I noticed there wasn't a window so he could stick his head out. Walking alongside the firetruck was the strangest dog I ever saw. He looked friendly but his head was so big they must have had a hard time finding a hat for him.
There were a variety of horses in the parade. One was one horse following a lawn mower and he looked a little stiff. There were other horses, maybe they were younger because they were small and moved very well, who pulled a wagon.
There were lots of kids in the parade, too. We saw many of our summer reading friends who were riding in trucks, twirling batons, and just having a great time.
Lions and elephants, although not common in Amherst, were spotted in the Parade.
I noticed that there was a man with a cart and shovel who followed the horses but no one was following after the elephant which could have been a BIG problem, if you know what I mean.
I should call the mayor....wait...there's Mayor Taylor now!
Oh well, it was a great day. I was getting a little hungry when I saw my friends from the new Mexican Restaurant downtown, Quesadilla. Ola, amiga! I think I'll head down and see what the lunch special is today. I love the Fajita special on Wednesdays and of course the two chicken tacos with rice and beans is my usual. Try the sauce on the "Angel" special, awesome! Well I better get back to the Amherst Library. It's been a long day and I may need a nap.
See you at the library, or maybe Quesadilla.