What a weekend I had at the
Amherst Jamboree. I wasn't the only dog jammin' downtown as many of my four footed friends came down for the pet show on Saturday. I don't know where some of these dogs do there shopping but they were decked out. I saw dogs in strollers, dogs with wings, dogs in

wagons. It's important on hot afternoons like today to make sure your pet has enough fresh water. Some dogs will do anything for a dog treat. Me, I held out for the pizza eating contest. Here I am guarding boxes of pepperoni pizzas. I saw a lot of familiar faces, most of them covered in sauce.

Let me tell you these kids can put away some pizza.

There were a lot of summer reading friends in the crowd. Hey...were you guys really here to enter the pizza eating contest or just looking for a free dinner? Well it's off to the lemonade stand to wash down that last slice. I think they're

skimping a little on the lemon this year.
Remember this Thursday is the big summer reading fair at the library. I'll see you there!
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