With temperatures moving from pre-heat to broil it was too hot to think about reading. I had to find someplace to cool off and even the pool was like a warm bath and reminded me of being at the dog groomers.
With heat like this I needed to find a place where I could really cool off and I found just the spot. Imagine if we had a big enough piece of ice to cool down the whole library. Well I found someplace where ice is no problem - a hockey rink!
Here I am watching a hockey game. This place was great. I brought my own stick along just in case they needed me to suit up. Check out the big picture up there on the wall. Anyone who can tell me the connection between hockey and Amherst Baseball wins 10 bonus points.

I did go down to the skate rental but I couldn't decid
e if I should rent two skates or four skates....hmmmm.
Anyway, hockey is a great way to cool off.
Check out some of the great hockey books Mrs. Ashton has at the library. My favorite one is "The Magic Hockey Stick" by Peter Maloney.

Watch out! The Black team is about to score! Hey I have to get back to the game. Come see me soon at the Amherst Public Library!
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