Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Summer Fair Fun

Another summer reading fair has come and gone.  Despite the heat and humidity we had a great response and lots of kids and families showed up for the fun.  Leapin' Little Ones set up the jump house and Zap Entertainment of Parma provided a balloon artist.  Representatives of Sandstone Summer Theater manned the ice pop station handing out refreshments.

But the best part is the number of volunteers that help with the games. Kids who used to come to storytime are now old enough to help with summer reading!  Thanks to Paul, Michael and Alex who worked the baseball game.  That's the first game I worked when I began at the library and volunteered for the fair. Thanks also to all the kids who volunteered thoughout the summer helping us manage one of the best summer reading programs around.

And thanks to all the kids, teens and adults who had fun, read books, wrote reviews, and attended all our great programs.  Thanks to the babysitter who brought all the kids here after they said our library was the most fun.  Thanks to the dad who always brought his daughter in on Wednesday after work to attend craft day together.  Thanks to the grandma who drove her grandkids to every storytime, craft day and special program.  Thanks to all the kids who kept reading no matter what.

Sometimes there are moments between the craziness that reminds you there is still a chance to have a little fun, or to provide the mechanism to share that fun with others.  Thanks to the more than 1000 summer reading club members, I know there still can be those special moments.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

The Race is on - Scavenger Hunt forms now available

Finally, after a long wait, the annual library scavenger hunt is now available at the Amherst Public Library.  We provide you with 25 photos taken somewhere in downtown Amherst and you tell us the location.  Completed forms need to be submitted by Saturday, August 21, to be entered into our drawing for a grand prize.  We have a library bag filled with Amherst related prizes like movie tickets to the Amherst Cinema and pizza at Angelos.

So get up and visit our web site where you can view the form or stop by the library and pick yours up today. 

Monday, June 28, 2010


We packed the house when Sue the Bubble Lady visited Amherst on Friday, June 25, for a special summer reading show at the Main Street Center. 

There was no more room as kids of all ages came to see some of the great bubbles Sue made using all sorts of gadgets.  The crowd loved the bubbles made from such everyday objects as rubberbands, Pringles cans, and even a straw.  Making a square bubble was interesting and how she inserted a straw into the bubble to make it expand...who would have know you could even do that!

At the end of the show some volunteers actually stood inside a real bubble.  After the program Sue drew two lucky tickets out of the bucket and two kids won, what else, some bubbles!

We have over 1000 young people signed up to take part in our summer reading program so far.  Join us the next time we get together for Pirate Magic (Arghhh...) on Tuesday, July 6 at 2:30 p.m. 

Thursday, June 24, 2010

The Story Continues

Storytimes continue through the summer with Waddler Storytime each Monday at 10 a.m. and also regular storytime at 10:30 where every age is welcome.  On Tuesdays at 10:30 you'll find Mrs. Stanley in the shelter house at Amherst Township Park where we share stories with our friends outside.

We read a great story about sharks and one about getting to the beach.  Everyone enjoyed the bubbles at the end.

Bubble fans, don't forget that the Bubble Lady will be at the Main Street Center on Friday, June 25 at 1 p.m.   She will show you all kinds of bubbles and some bubbles so huge that a person can stand inside.  Don't think there's any such thing as a square bubble?  Wait and see.

Summer Reading, can you keep up!

It's been a busy week as summer reading continues at the library.  Right now we have 670 kids signed up and more than 240 teens. Just over 85 adults have turned in reading slips to be entered in our drawing!  It's been crazy! 

Yesterday kids took part in a craft activity where they could write a story and make a scratch art sea creature.  The stories were great as everyone described what they saw on their visit to the beach and especially what they had for lunch.  I'm getting hungry just thinking about it.

The yo-yo workshops have drawn a crowd and last week kids took part in a magic workshop led by local magician Ron Price.  We learned tricks like the "Professor's Nightmare" and the "Matrix".  If you missed the magic workshop, stop at the library and pick up one of the great magic books we have on the shelf.  There's always some kind of magic happening at the Amherst Public Library!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Gordon for President!

The Main Street Center in downtown Amherst was packed with a capacity crowd when magician Gordon Russ visited to officially kick off our summer reading program this year.  I lost count somewhere around 255 as people poured into the building.  Kids sat on the floor and adults filled the chairs lined up in the back.  Late comers squeezed in where ever they could find an opening as Gordon started the music and the show, of course, went on.

Pick me Gordon!  Nathan was one of the volunteers who got to try on the magic hat and help Gordon with the set of magic rings.  Keep in mind we have a magic workshop coming up on Monday, June 21.  Grades 2-4 meet at noon and grades 5 and up begin their session at 1:30.  Ron Price will be instructing kids on how to do some basic tricks using items you can find around the house.  Call the library for more information.  Magic is a great way to make friends.  Look at all the friends Gordon has?

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

300 kids can't be wrong

Well, we are one week into registration for summer reading and we have 300 kids registered!  Add in the 80 teens and all the people who have registered online and the adults  and we are well on our way to a huge success.  For many, tomorrow is the last day of school and sure to be a busy day here at the library.

Wednesday, June 9, our craft days begin.  Crafts will be available from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. each Wednesday.  Stop by and check it out.  We'll be making bag puppets the first session.  It's fun to see what kids come up with when you get out the paper and glue.  Maybe your puppet will look like a sea monster or a mermaid or maybe a pirate....ARhhh.

Magic things happen at the library....and especially on Thursday when Gordon Russ helps us kick off our program when he brings his show to the Main Street Center at 2 p.m.  See you there!

Remember you can register online where you can submit book reviews and log your reading. 

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Let the fun begin!

Summer reading registration began today at the Amherst Public Library. 

Andrew Csanady, age 5, was the first person to be entered into the registration books signaling the official start of this year's summer reading program.  Next in line was his sister Emily, age 4.  Each picked out a squirter toy for signing up and received their reading log so they can start keeping track of the time they spend reading and earn some prizes.

We've got sun glasses for everyone who completes five hours of reading and for ten hours you get a flying disk toy that fits into its own travel pouch.  The beach bag is perfect for stowing all your gear for the pool, the beach, or wherever you're going this summer.

Stop by the library or visit our online registration page.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Flipping out!

Summer reading officially gets off the ground on Tuesday, June 1 when we open the registration desk at the library.  But today we received a donation for our Flip Flops for Haiti campaign.  Remember for each pair you donate your name is entered into a raffle to receive a free pedicure at A David Anthony Salon. 

Thanks to everyone who made a donation today.  We put Josie Katzbach a little closer to her goal of 2000 pairs of flip flops.  The last day to donate is June 30 in order for Josie to organize shipment for her return trip to the Haiti in August.

Plus...you made my day.  Thanks!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Online registration now open!

Our online registration for summer reading is now open!  Yes there are a few glitches, I need to read more computer programming books, but everything does seem to work. 

The online program allows you to submit book reviews, track your reading, and this year there's even an option to post your progress to your Facebook page.  Some people like to register online then stop in the library after the program officially begins on June 1 to pick up a reading log and other program information.

This year we have two partner organizations we're working with.  The local Amherst Food Pantry located on Cleveland Avenue and Flip Flops for Haiti.  We give kids credit on their reading logs for bringing in food donations and A David Anthony Salon has donated a free pedicure that will be raffled off to one lucky winner who donated a pair of flip flops by the deadline of June 30.

More info is available at the library.  Mrs. Stanley and I are scrambling trying to get in a few more workouts at Anytime Fitness of Amherst before the official start of summer reading.  You know these beach balls can be heavy.

Monday, May 24, 2010

We're staying up all night!

Time is counting down till summer reading begins and we're here trying to take care of all the last minute details.  Thank goodness Anytime Fitness of Amherst is open 24 hours a day so that Mrs. Stanley and I can keep up our fitness regimen. 

Remember online registration begins tomorrow, May 25.  We're going to get a few more workouts in then it's back to the library to run copies of the calendar.  Everyone will get a calendar of summer reading events when you register.  Check out the online calendar on the blog here for program updates.

We found it saves time to just wear our jammies to workout.  Can't sleep?  Join us at Anytime Fitness.  We do some of our best work between 2 and 3 a.m.

Check back soon to learn more about one of our partner charities this summer, Flip Flops for Haiti and Josie Katzbach.  We'll also be collecting food items for the local Amherst Food Pantry.  Remember, we're the only library that will give you credit on your kids' reading log just for donating to the food bank. 

Is it nap time yet?

Friday, May 14, 2010

Registration begins June 1

Summer weather is bringing out all the bike riders, walkers, and summer time cruisers.  Beach Party @ The Amherst Public Library will begin registration on June 1, or get a head start with online registration beginning May 25.

In the meantime, remember to always wear your bicycle helmet.  Safety is important, even at the gym.  I've upped my time on the exercise bike to 25 minutes every time.  At Anytime Fitness of Amherst I can even watch TV or listen to music while I'm racking up the miles.  Today I caught up on some beach reading to get me in the mood for summer.  I've got my helmet on just in case.

We just got in some of the prizes for this year's summer reading program and I think these insulated coolers are going to be popular.  Adults can read six books and take home one of two styles of insulated tote. 

Pack your bag and wear your helmet and we'll be off to a great start.  I've got seven minutes left on the bike and I'm all ready up to four miles!  Keep peddling.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Count down to summer

The official start of the Amherst Public Library's Summer Reading Program is June 1 when we open up registration here at the library.  We usually open the online registration before Memorial Day so look to see if I get that up and running.

We've booked some great programs including Michael and Georgann Wachter, the authors of Erie Wrecks and several other books that chronicle some of the many shipwrecks they've discovered and explored while scuba diving in the Great Lakes.  The calendar is filling up and I've also racked up quite a bit of time at Anytime Fitness in Amherst.

BMI, not weight, is a great way to analyze your fitness success story.  My BMI, Body Mass Index, when I started over a month ago was 28.5.  If you look at a chart you'll know that's not a good number.  Calculate your BMI here

Thanks to Anytime Fitness my number now is more like a 26. Still not great, but better.  Check out the guns on the librarian.  Hey, I need to stand by someone wimpier...it would make by bicep look much bigger.  What a showoff.

Keep up the good work.  Summer will be here soon and we want everyone to sign up for summer reading at the library where it's going to be one big Beach Party.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Fitness Help

Okay, maybe it's because I bought Girl Scout cookies from every scout who stopped at my desk with her little sales form.  Maybe it's because I keep thinking about all the other things I have to do besides being at a gym.  Did I get the prizes ordered for the kids summer reading program?  What kind of teen programs can I book for this summer?  Will we have more adults sign up this year and when am I going to get the online registration page set up? 

Sometimes you just have to have a little extra help.  That's where Greg comes in.  He's just one of the personal trainers at Anytime Fitness.  He must know his stuff....I mean just look at him. 

Greg walked me through the gym and came up with a work-out plan just for me.   Cardio, like ride the bike and treadmill, on one day and focus on muscle groups with sets of different exercises on other days.  He also made sure I knew the setting for each machine so I could perform the exercises correctly and have the machine quickly set for my height. 

"Make sure you use your time here effectively and are exercising correctly", he said.  Greg gets people ready for things like the Police Academy agility test and Army boot camp.  I figure getting a librarian ready for summer reading will be a piece of cake.  "By the way", said Greg.  "Do you smell something like vanilla?"  Crap....need to wash that yellow cake batter off my jacket. 

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Anytime Fitness Fits the Bill

Okay, I figured if anyone could help me get in shape it would be Ginny Murphy.  She has triplets that used to come to the library for storytime but now they come and check out the thick books, giving Ginny some time to squeeze in owning her own business, Anytime Fitness of Amherst. 

There it is right under the yellow arrow, 7090 Oakpoint Road.  Ginny showed me all the different machines and I didn't fall off the treadmill...yet. 

Believe me, going to a gym can be intimidating, especially when you realize that you have yellow cake batter drips on your lycra zip up jacket.   But Ginny and her staff were friendly and believe it or not, there were people there just like me!  Just trying to fit in some time at the gym so they could fit in their pants again.  Hey, I'm committed.

Now if I can just get past the Girl Scout cookie season and the bags of jellybeans at Target I'll stay on track.  This is going to work.  I have to be ready for the big Beach Party theme for our Summer Reading Program.  If you want more information on Anytime Fitness of Amherst give them a call at 440-984-4961 or find them on Facebook.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Could be a tight fit

Okay, maybe this tropical shirt has shrunk on the hanger.  Getting ready for a beach party is going to take more than a flowered lei to make it work.  Working here at a desk for hours at a time has done nothing to help get me ready for a beach party.  Like many people, working at a desk, sititng at a computer has turned us into desk jockeys, multi-tasking but not ready for basking. 

Perhaps those lycra sweat pants are meant to be worn for more than just late night grocery shopping.  Maybe it's time to head the doctor's warnings, along with the many books that fill the library shelves written by good natured and thin nutritionists, and get in better shape so I can pull off this whole summer of intense beach partying.  I mean it's a tough job so the tough should get going.

But time is going to be a factor.  I don't take time for lunch, how I am going to find time for molding this winter form into sunshine shape? I don't have any time to read.  I don't have any time to plan.  Any time.....might just be my answer.  I need the help of someone who understands my lifestyle, who understands kids, and most important...understands fitting life into a schedule and making it work. 

Anytime Fitness of Amherst might just be my ticket.  Will call....tomorrow.

Is it that time all ready?

It seems like we were just lamenting the harshness of an Ohio winter and before you know it we have to spring our clocks ahead, setting our watches one hour closer to summer. We've just added another 19 sessions to our so-called winter storytime schedule that has now run into spring and according to the calendar, and vendor deadlines, I'm way behind planning for our popular summer reading program. 

With more than 1000 people to plan for this requires serious study.  The state of Ohio has come up with a theme, "Make a Splash - READ", and even offers a teen theme, "Make Waves @ Your Library".  But we need something that will work with all ages from kids to adults and the whole splish splash theme just seems a little watered down.

I search the storage closet for ideas.  Neon sunglasses, a tropical print shirt, a flowered lei...it seems the mood could be right for a tropical beach party!  Stay tuned.  This could be good.