Thursday, March 25, 2010

Fitness Help

Okay, maybe it's because I bought Girl Scout cookies from every scout who stopped at my desk with her little sales form.  Maybe it's because I keep thinking about all the other things I have to do besides being at a gym.  Did I get the prizes ordered for the kids summer reading program?  What kind of teen programs can I book for this summer?  Will we have more adults sign up this year and when am I going to get the online registration page set up? 

Sometimes you just have to have a little extra help.  That's where Greg comes in.  He's just one of the personal trainers at Anytime Fitness.  He must know his stuff....I mean just look at him. 

Greg walked me through the gym and came up with a work-out plan just for me.   Cardio, like ride the bike and treadmill, on one day and focus on muscle groups with sets of different exercises on other days.  He also made sure I knew the setting for each machine so I could perform the exercises correctly and have the machine quickly set for my height. 

"Make sure you use your time here effectively and are exercising correctly", he said.  Greg gets people ready for things like the Police Academy agility test and Army boot camp.  I figure getting a librarian ready for summer reading will be a piece of cake.  "By the way", said Greg.  "Do you smell something like vanilla?"  Crap....need to wash that yellow cake batter off my jacket. 

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Anytime Fitness Fits the Bill

Okay, I figured if anyone could help me get in shape it would be Ginny Murphy.  She has triplets that used to come to the library for storytime but now they come and check out the thick books, giving Ginny some time to squeeze in owning her own business, Anytime Fitness of Amherst. 

There it is right under the yellow arrow, 7090 Oakpoint Road.  Ginny showed me all the different machines and I didn't fall off the treadmill...yet. 

Believe me, going to a gym can be intimidating, especially when you realize that you have yellow cake batter drips on your lycra zip up jacket.   But Ginny and her staff were friendly and believe it or not, there were people there just like me!  Just trying to fit in some time at the gym so they could fit in their pants again.  Hey, I'm committed.

Now if I can just get past the Girl Scout cookie season and the bags of jellybeans at Target I'll stay on track.  This is going to work.  I have to be ready for the big Beach Party theme for our Summer Reading Program.  If you want more information on Anytime Fitness of Amherst give them a call at 440-984-4961 or find them on Facebook.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Could be a tight fit

Okay, maybe this tropical shirt has shrunk on the hanger.  Getting ready for a beach party is going to take more than a flowered lei to make it work.  Working here at a desk for hours at a time has done nothing to help get me ready for a beach party.  Like many people, working at a desk, sititng at a computer has turned us into desk jockeys, multi-tasking but not ready for basking. 

Perhaps those lycra sweat pants are meant to be worn for more than just late night grocery shopping.  Maybe it's time to head the doctor's warnings, along with the many books that fill the library shelves written by good natured and thin nutritionists, and get in better shape so I can pull off this whole summer of intense beach partying.  I mean it's a tough job so the tough should get going.

But time is going to be a factor.  I don't take time for lunch, how I am going to find time for molding this winter form into sunshine shape? I don't have any time to read.  I don't have any time to plan.  Any time.....might just be my answer.  I need the help of someone who understands my lifestyle, who understands kids, and most important...understands fitting life into a schedule and making it work. 

Anytime Fitness of Amherst might just be my ticket.  Will call....tomorrow.

Is it that time all ready?

It seems like we were just lamenting the harshness of an Ohio winter and before you know it we have to spring our clocks ahead, setting our watches one hour closer to summer. We've just added another 19 sessions to our so-called winter storytime schedule that has now run into spring and according to the calendar, and vendor deadlines, I'm way behind planning for our popular summer reading program. 

With more than 1000 people to plan for this requires serious study.  The state of Ohio has come up with a theme, "Make a Splash - READ", and even offers a teen theme, "Make Waves @ Your Library".  But we need something that will work with all ages from kids to adults and the whole splish splash theme just seems a little watered down.

I search the storage closet for ideas.  Neon sunglasses, a tropical print shirt, a flowered seems the mood could be right for a tropical beach party!  Stay tuned.  This could be good.